Good Morning Brothers and Sisters. Know that I pray each morning; as I have prayed today. Today however, there is a tangible excitement in my spirit about what God is doing for us all. I sense His excitement and anticipation; His plans, purposes and BLESSINGS are being; orchestrated, organized and implemented in each of our lives. It brings Him great joy, to be able to show His children just how much He loves us and for us to not only receive this by faith; but to actually see it with our physical eyes and manifesting itself in our daily affairs.
What’s happening Today and every day
Be expecting, paying attention and watching for connections. He has a plan, purpose and vision for each of us to fulfill. He needs us lined up, connected to and working together with the right people; those who will help us in our calling. God is sending this help needed for projects; and also, the help with implementing and completing them. Wisdom, knowledge, revelation and specific instructions is being given on how to get each job and project done; and according to how He wants and needs it done. Money, resources, power, ability and anything else that we will need is being brought into our hands. Therefore, press in, in faith with expectations as your listening to Him; so that when those connections and help comes you will know who they are and are ready; because your heart you prepared.
I’m excited about this because, while looking for these opportunities, I also know that Our Heavenly Father wants to connect us with others and using us to bless someone else. This is how the Body of Christ operates and these are exciting times.
Yes, today is a great day!!! So don’t allow fear to prevent you from STEPPING OUT!!! Much Love and Prayers Carol Helmick