What about 2019?
I have been in prayer and have been asking The Lord What about 2019?; is on His heart and mind
I have been in prayer and have been asking The Lord What about 2019?; is on His heart and mind
David Gardner wrote in on 12/4/2018 @3:00 PM: Hi Carol & Mike. I don’t know if you if you remember or not, but about 4 weeks ago I chatted you guys and was wondering how or if I was saved while being in bondage to drugs. Your answers were the beginning of what was to
Authority (Vicky Marinou) wrote in on 11/30/2018, 10:05 AM Hello Carol, I sent you a message on this email a couple of days ago; hope you got it. I was watching the sermon today (the one that was aired on Thursday), and I enjoyed it very much. I had so much I wanted to contribute
Authority (Vicky Marinou) Read More »
Prayer~Vicky: sent this in on 11/28/2018, @7:07 AM Dear Carol, I really enjoyed Tuesday’s teaching, although I do miss the live fellowship. When you ask for prayer requests, I’m never there to jump in; so I thought I should write in at your email. Prayer~Vicky What I would like; is prayer for my youngest daughter
This is what Vicky wrote in on 11/7/2018, 7:02 AM concerning ~” Provision (Vicky Marinou) “ Hello Carol! I have lots of testimonies of God’s mercies and experiences that he has given me. He surely is close to the broken-hearted (Psalm 34:18), although I now consider myself the luckiest person in the world since he
Provision (Vicky Marinou) Read More »
The Lord spoke this WORD; to REMIND US that YOU should NEVER quit. Many of you have been feeling discouraged and have been wavering in your faith.
These are “Things happening to and taking place within the Body of Christ concerning FREEDOM”;
“Coming out of Egypt” Read More »
What do you do when you have prompting (s) to pray for a situation or person(s); but don’t know all the details,
Mike (my husband) and I, have been doing a bible study about the seed in Mark 4.
The Holy Spirit dropped this quote down into my spirit the other day;
This is the project I’ve been excitingly working on! As your reading through, you’ll notice that