a faithful man

This poem/ Word ” A FAITHFUL MAN”, came as I was sitting in a meeting at church. The Lord began stirring these words within me; while the Pastor was teaching. I encourage you to stir yourself up and dig deeper into your relationship with The Lord. There is a mighty “move of God” that is


Lost and Found

lost and found

Lost and Found is the very first poem that I received from The Lord. He was dealing with me and my marriage; and He dropped this one into my heart; while waiting for my youngest son to get off the bus.  When you get busy with life, children, jobs and responsibilities and don’t take the

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Stepping Out of The Boat


I have heard this cry and challenge in my heart and resonating within my spirit for a few years now, but this year it has only become louder and more in my face. What does “Stepping Out of the Boat and Being out on the Waters” mean? This year is a BIG year for the

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Every person has been in a situation, where their needing to be encouraged. what words are said or actions taken can affect; whether we are left feeling encouraged and strengthened, or discouraged and hopeless. Our Heavenly Father gives us each gifts, abilities and talents that are to be used for His glory. Everyone has something

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You are Loved

There is something that is so deep and profound that happens to you; when you know, that you are loved. It isn’t just a feeling that you have inside you; it is a revelation and knowing that you have value and are important. Knowing this, causes a person to strive to be and do their

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