What motivates a soldier’s love and causes him / her to react and respond in life. As I was reflecting on today and what it means for us as America, it caused me to stop and evaluate on such as: Am I willing to be inconvenienced and uncomfortable to help someone else see Jesus? Or do I whine and complain if things don’t go exactly the way I think they should. My level of love is shown to others by what I’m allowing Jesus to use me for.


There are several scriptures that pertain to today perfectly; (2 Timothy 2:1-25) was one of them. Enduring and standing strong in the face of adversity is one characteristic of a soldier’s love and duties. Another one is (1 Peter 2:1-25) . This whole chapter talks about standing apart and showing ourselves different from the rest of the world. Standing strong and at the same time honoring those in authority over us. Recognizing their place in our lives. The last scripture, (John 15:13); is what being a christian is all about. Am I willing to die to the flesh and allow His love, grace and gifts to flow; showing others His glory in my life? I am so thankful for those who have laid down their lives for me so that I can live free.

I purpose to lay down my life, showing them acts of love and extending grace to them even when they may not deserve it; so that those who do not know Jesus will hopefully make that decision to become free in Him. I am willing to fight the good fight of faith knowing that in the end I will have done all… and having done all to stand. America is what it is because people have fought the good fight and now we stand together today because of it. I want others standing besides me when Jesus comes being able to say the same. Love and blessings to all who read. Carol Helmick

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